Sunday, August 14, 2011

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren, is a weekly feature where you can showcase new books, ones checked out from the library, bought, won or received for review.

From the Library

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

In the actual mailbox:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 Graphic Novels Vols. 2, 3, 5, 7
(waiting on 4 & 6 to come)
The hubs bought used from Amazon and I plan to read them too. Loved Vol. 1 
(review to be posted on Thursday)


  1. Cute little audio book icon. I have not read any of the Buffy books. Are they any good?

    Here is my IMM for this week.

  2. I don't read that many Graphic novels but I've heard those ones are really great

  3. I've never read graphic novels but the Buffy ones look great, enjoy your new reads!

    My IMM this week

  4. I've never read graphic novels either (well a few Scooby Doo to my 5 year old son). But I LOVE Buffy and if you are a fan, they are great and fast reads. I plan on posting a review every Thursday on each volume.

  5. Very nice. I loved Buffy so much that I used to write fanfiction for it. Come see some of the books that I got from AAD. Next week, there will be more as I shipped the rest of the books home.

  6. I tried to read the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I just couldn't get into it..I wasn't in the mood, i, I'm curious what you will think of it...Book Savvy Babe

  7. I love the Larsson books. It read the printed book, and it took me about 100 pages to really get into it. But once I did, WOW it was a pageturner and I couldn't put it down! And the second book was a pageturner from page one until the very end. I have yet to read the third book, but I've heard it is very exciting. I hope you like it; stick with it if you find it slow because I promise it will pay off!!!



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