Thursday, March 1, 2012

Author Interview with Sierra Dean

What a way to kick off Urban Fantasy Month 
than to have one of my FAVORITE small press authors
in the genre here today. Ms. Sierra Dean.

Welcome! I’m so glad to have you here at The Book Nympho today.

Thanks for having me!

Secret is a hybrid, half vampire and werewolf. Where did that idea come from? Why not one or the other?

I liked both and I wondered early on how it would impact someone to be both. The obvious idea was that it would make her stronger, but I also thought about the weaknesses. She can breathe, but she can’t go in the sun. She’s strong, but not as strong as full vampires, etc. The idea of creating strengths and limitations for that kind of character intrigued me a lot.

In your world, is it possible for Secret to be turned into a full vampire?

No. Canon opinion on vampires is that the vampire blood replaces the human blood. Secret doesn’t have any human blood. In my world the vampire infection cannot impact werewolves, so her werewolf blood would block the vampire blood from every fully taking her over, and vice versa.

So far there are 3 novels and 2 novellas in the Secret McQueen series. How many books do you have planned for Secret?

I’m working on book 4 currently, and the intention is for 8 full length novels. I don’t currently have plans for any additional novellas, but I am kicking around the idea of a spin off series I’d like to do once Secret is done.

Many authors know how their series is going to end when they start it. Do you have an end game already planned or are you just “making it up” as you go? (LOL) And if you do know, will Secret get a HEA (happily ever after) with one guy?

I do know exactly how the series will end, down to the final scene in book 8, and I know the big plot bombs that are going to drop between then and now. For smaller stuff I let the writing take me as I do it, but I’m a big plotter, so I know a lot of what has to happen ahead of time. I don’t want to give anything away about the final book because not even my editor knows how the series ends. I will say that I have it planned so that every fan/shipper feels a sense of conclusion. No one will be left hanging. Not everyone will be happy with how she finishes her story, but they won’t feel cheated by the ending. At least I hope not.

Any new projects you want to tell us about? And public appearances you want to share?

Once I finish book 4 (Keeping Secret) I will spend March/April working on something totally different, a superhero novel I started last year that I wanted to rework. I also want to try a historical romance novella, but that may be a ways off. There’s a trilogy I’ve been plotting for awhile that I hope to write the first book in this year. But Book 5 in the Secret series is going to be my Summer/Fall project.

As for appearances: I will be attending the RT Convention in Chicago in April; I will be doing a book launch at McNally Robinson in Winnipeg, MB, Canada (my hometown) on Tuesday April 3 at 7pm; and I’m hoping to set up a book signing in San Francisco in August to celebrate the launch of A Bloody Good Secret in paperback.

Now for some quickie questions.

Fangs or fur?


Favorite author(s)?

Denis Lehanne; Jane Austen; Chuck Palahniuk; Ann Aguirre; Charlaine Harris

What ya reading?

Right now I’m reading the first of J.D. Robb’s “In Death” series and a few YA novels.

I will be giving away winner's choice of ebook from 
this series during the Kick-Butt Characters Blog Hop
 March 23rd-28th.

Keep reading to find out more about Sierra and her new release, Deep Dark Secret.


Sierra DeanSierra Dean is a reformed historian. She was born and raised in the Canadian prairies and is allowed annual exit visas in order to continue her quest of steadily conquering the world one city at a time. Making the best of the cold Canadian winters, Sierra indulges in her less global interests: drinking too much tea and writing urban fantasy.

Ever since she was a young girl she has loved the idea of the supernatural coexisting with the mundane. As an adult, however, the idea evolved from the notion of fairies in flower beds, to imagining that the rugged-looking guy at the garage might secretly be a werewolf. She has used her overactive imagination to create her own version of the world, where vampire, werewolves, fairies, gods and monsters all walk among us, and she’ll continue to travel as much as possible until she finds it for real.

She’s also a book lover (of course!), obsessive collector of OPI nailpolish and the owner of way too many pairs of shoes.

Stalk Sierra at: 

Deep Dark Secret
Secret McQueen, Book 3
Coming March 6, 2012

The only good Secret is a buried Secret.

Secret McQueen has hunted vampires, werewolves, and every conceivable supernatural menace-to-society. Seen it all? Not even close. When the queen of the were-ocelots comes to her for help finding a missing girl, the half-vampire/half-werewolf soon realizes how much she has to learn about the things that go bump in the night.

The case of the missing cat is one thing. Pile it up with her new duties as a Tribunal Leader, her tenuous position as mate to the king of the Eastern werewolves, and a slew of new (and unwelcome) supernatural abilities, and Secret is once again in familiar territory. Way over her head. But for this multitasking half-breed, it’s business as unusual.

What knocks her for a loop, though, isn’t her lover’s intoxicating kiss. It’s the missing memories rushing at her from out of nowhere, signaling a rapidly approaching fork in her destiny. Her choice will affect not only her life, but her love.

Warning: Contains a werewolf king with wandering hands, a creepy English professor with nefarious plans, and one hell of an unexpected gala evening at Columbia.


  1. Great interview Jennifer and Sierra! I'm reading A Bloody Good Secret right now and hoping to squeeze in the 3rd book soon! I'm glad to hear that this series is going to continue for potentially another 5 books!

  2. Lovely interview ladies, I enjoyed reading it, and finding out about all the new plans Sierra has. Question: how long does it take you to actually write 1 book? Excluding all the edits and such.


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